Your First Professional Post Collegiate Job!

Ok so the term papers are done, late night jam sessions, team reports and hours spent in the library- all behind you. As you walk through those school doors one last time you realize that the stress of “making it” is off your shoulders. But now you need to turn that great achievement into a job! Where do you start? Pridestaff Financial wants to give you a head start in finding that perfect first job!

Finance or business degrees usually lead to jobs with corporations or financial institutions. Corporate jobs include analysts (who make strategic business decisions) and accountants (who budget and track spending). At financial institutions and insurance companies, work is transaction-related. You could evaluate risk as an underwriter, work in financial planning or sell stock. Credit financing is a giant area nowadays as American citizens continue to spend more than we have. Loan firms and property financing will be around, even thru depressions in the property market because folks need a place to live.

To narrow your options, take a moment to press the replay button on your college career. Look for any niche area of interest you may have studied that really caught your attention. Ask professors for referrals to companies that hire for positions you might have an interest in. In addition, look for companies whose products or services are related to your favorite extracurricular activities. It’s OK to try 1 or 2 different areas of finance before you find what you like.

Another way to think about where you fit into the job market is to consider whether job security or salary is most important to you? Meaning, do you need a salary right away, or would you be ok taking a temp job to get your feet wet? Some companies will accept apprenticeships or “after graduation” internships for recent college grads. Any of these may be good options for those that just need the experience verses full salary with benefits. 

The most important thing to remember- finding a job is a job! It takes time, organization, resume building, networking and patience. Never be afraid to ask for help either. If you’re not sure if your resume is strong enough, or if there are enough “key words” in it to attract the right companies, then get some advice. There are many agencies that offer resources and experienced professionals that know the marketplace and where the best jobs are. So don’t be afraid to ask for help.

At Pridestaff Financial our trained experts carefully go through each resume to help highlight your best skills. We work directly with you to figure out your interest areas and what’s important to you when looking for a job.

Contact Pridestaff Financial and start your accounting and financial job search today!