Boomers, Gen-Zers, and Millennials: How to Collaborate with a Multi-Generational Team

Managing a multi-generational team certainly comes with its challenges. Explore strategies for creating a collaborative and inclusive work environment that leverages the diverse strengths of a multi-generational finance team, enhancing overall performance and satisfaction. If you’re trying to build out your team & find great, diverse talent, contact us!
Build bridges:
The best way to collaborate with a multi-generational team is to find commonalities, not differences. All generations want to be engaged, and everyone craves respect. These traits transcend generations and should be a focus. When you are working with your team, avoid falling into stereotypes and encourage your team members to consider how you are alike. Find a common language about your team’s thinking and behavioral preferences. As you begin to better understand yourself, your personal thinking, and that of others, these areas of difference start to be seen as a source of value – not negativity.
Communication for everyone:
To positively harness generational diversity in the workplace, you need to create an environment where each member of your team has a forum to be heard and feels confident that their input will be respected, even if the team chooses an alternative direction. As a leader, you can foster open communication by being transparent and encouraging your employees to provide their insights, ideas, and feedback – both positive and negative. When faced with negative feedback, make sure that you set an example by listening without interruption while your employees share their perspectives. Ask clarifying questions to understand their points of view. Only after you understand their perspectives should you discuss areas of agreement or disagreement and clarify your own viewpoint. Make sure to explain, effectively, why you may have chosen a different direction, so everyone understands.
Being open to and respecting all beliefs:
A wider representation of age groups at work has introduced new beliefs and values into the office. Taboo topics of the past, like diversity and inclusion, mental health, and gender roles, are becoming widely discussed in professional settings. Just like an individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, sex, sexual orientation, religion, dis/ability, class, personality, and educational background will impact how comfortable they are talking about these topics at work, so will their age and their upbringing. Younger generations tend to be more progressive about social issues, as well as more comfortable talking about topics that were previously considered persona non grata in the workplace. The willingness of younger employees to accept and normalize the discussion of important topics is resulting in a decrease in the stigma that has traditionally surrounded talking about them. It’s also important to keep in mind that how your employees feel about these topics is going to vary, and you must be open and comfortable with this.
For help finding the all-stars you’ve been missing and building that great work culture, get in touch with our team!
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