Making an Internal Switch Smooth

Changing departments may not be as stressful as changing companies, but there are still some things you can do to make sure you hit the ground running. PrideStaff Financial has some tips that will help you transition internal positions smoothly.
Remember, it’s still a new position.
If you are interested in making an internal job move, first rule of thumb is to treat it as a job interview. Just because you know the company and are already established doesn’t mean you will automatically get the job. Make sure you prepare for the interview by studying up on the position; who the main players are and what the goals are (meaning managers, clients, and team objectives). Prepare just like you would for an external job interview, and make sure your resume is up to date, including your current position with the company.
Use home-field advantage.
Since you already work for the company, this is a good time to do some digging, ask some questions, and talk to those in the department to find out why the position is available. You have a unique opportunity external candidates do not possess, use it. Learn as much as you can about the department, the position and the team members before and after the interview. You don’t want to accept a position assuming that since it’s the same company, the job will be similar—that is never the case.
While there is home-field advantage, others are paying attention.
Yes, you are in a unique position to apply for and obtain information about an internal job you’re interested in; however, this also means others are watching your choices and decisions. You need to be wise in the internal postings you apply for—know why you are applying and what your interest is in the position. Being passed over for the job may happen, but that doesn’t give you carte blanche to apply for every internal job available. Managers and bosses are watching, and this could send up red flags if not handled correctly.
Keep your boss in the loop.
Let your boss know about your longer-term career interests and reasons for joining or interest in joining another department. At times, this is a difficult conversation, yet vital to have. It’s not a good idea for your boss to be the last to know. You need your boss to help smooth out your pending transition or to help you get the new job. If you don’t have a great relationship with your current boss, it’s wise to have other managers who can support the move. Remember that while you might have support, keep performance in your own department at a high level before you transition. A decline in your performance or productivity can send a negative message to the new department about your overall commitment to the firm.
Be a team player.
On the first day of a new internal job, make sure you come prepared. Meet with team members to find out what they may need help with or are currently working on. Make sure you have met with the new manager of that department ahead of time so you know what your priorities will be and have assignments ready to go. If there are training opportunities for the position, show interest; it not only helps the transition, it shows your new team you are serious about the job.
PrideStaff Financial is one of the nation’s leading recruiting firms. Our staffing consultants will help guide you with tools and tips to make your transition smooth. Contact us to learn more.