4 Things Hiring Managers Love to See from Candidates


Hiring managers interview many candidates. They see the same answers, the same mistakes and the same canned responses repeatedly. As a job applicant, you need to know what hiring managers are thinking, what they are looking for and what is going to make them drool over you!

Let managers get to know you.

Managers already know you want to be a team player. Instead of giving the standard response, let managers get a more intimate peek into who you are as a person. Let them get to know the career you and the professional you. How do you solve a problem? How do you handle a colleague dispute? How do you respond to another employee getting all the credit for something you helped work on? How do you unwind or destress? What are some of your hobbies outside of work? These are things hiring managers want to know and will make them want you over another candidate.

Dress for success.

If you are thinking about a miniskirt and low-cut blouse—think again. Unless the work atmosphere is business casual all the time, don’t go for those cargo pants and golf shirt just yet. Do a quick walk through of the company before you even interview. Google them online and see what photos pop up. Get an idea of what the company considers appropriate attire, then dress for success.

Get those certifications.

Enhance a hiring manager’s desirability of you by obtaining extra financial certifications. Going above and beyond will set you apart from the pack. In an era when CPAs and accountants are vastly expanding their roles in the financial sector, multiple certifications may be needed or highly desirable for the job. It’s good to know which certifications you may need before you even apply to a position; which ones will make you stand out; and how much time you need to obtain the right certifications.

Social media.

Take advantage of social media sites, like Twitter, to sell yourself and network. Twitter and LinkedIn are two of your best resources to have a polished and professional “online” appearance. Update your resume, showcase any community or board of directors work you are doing—have you written any professional articles about the financial sector? Showcase that online. Make sure your social media and professional online presence is polished and appropriate. You don’t want hiring managers finding pictures of you partying or a controversial statement you made regarding current affairs. Show hiring managers you are diverse, yet professional; how you will seamlessly fit into their corporate culture, and you will win them over!

PrideStaff Financial is a 5-Star Diamond award recruiting firm. Our staffing consultants have the expertise you need to help you find the job that’s right for you. Contact us today.