How to Attract the Best of the Best


With the potential pool of millennial workers getting larger, managers are looking for new ways to attract these and other generational candidates. But how do you know which candidates will be the best for your company? The most effective approach is to have candidates in mind before you even need them. Here are the best ways to develop your best candidate pool, so you’re ready when the time comes.

Candidates are not the only ones who need to network:

As a leader, you need to stay informed about what’s going on in today’s marketplace. Networking, and staying current with job social media sites liked LinkedIn, will help you develop a pool of candidates for future job openings. Networking involves being part of community organizations, group happy hour events, Chamber of Commerce meetings, and social media sites that promote professional business interaction. Millennials and Gen Xer’s today are heavily involved in their community. Become part of a Board of Directors—like a local finance committee or an innovative tech non-profit awards group like 43 North in Buffalo, NY. Step outside of your comfort zone and find creative and different groups that may not always be tied directly to your field. Doing this allows you to get to know future potential employees on a personal level, and to see their skills in action before you even start the interviewing process.

Who do you consider the best of the best?

Before you begin the interviewing process for a job, take a look at who already works for you that you consider among the best of the best. Assemble a team based on those who represent the best qualities and are in the same or a similar position. Make sure to include a hiring manager in this group. Develop a job description that specifically and accurately touches on the key responsibilities of the position. Then, define the behavioral characteristics of the person you feel will be your ideal candidate.

Take advantage of associations in your field:  

Most companies are in some way involved with trade associations and memberships for their respective industry. Look at contacts you are already associated with, and create a list of industry leaders and other potential employees from customers, colleagues, coworkers, and friends. Develop a plan for contacting these candidates based on the recommendations from your list. Follow up on every good lead.

Communicate early:

Once that list is created, start reaching out. It may be considered cold-calling, but it’s effective and worth it. You may even want to consider starting a quarterly company newsletter, or “latest news” blog online, to keep your master list(s) of potential employees and interested others up-to-date about company progress and happenings.

PrideStaff Financial is a 5 Star Diamond Award recruiting firm. Our staffing consultants have the expertise you need to find the best candidates for your company. Contact us today.