Knowing When to Let Them Go

As a leader in a company, part of your job includes hiring and firing employees. It’s never easy, nor should it be, to have to let someone go. But, waiting too long can have disastrous repercussions in that department. PrideStaff Financial explains knowing when it’s time to cut ties.
First, and most important, identify whether to rehabilitate or fire:
One of the most important things to identify is whether it is necessary to let someone go. Many managers make the mistake of missing out on an opportunity to modify problem behavior and salvage an otherwise good staffer. According to Josh Bersin, of Bersin by Deloitte, the time to regain full productivity with a new hire is one to two years and investing in training up to 20 percent of the employee’s salary. According to Bersin, the trick is finding the balance between the effort needed to correct problems with the reward of reclaiming a good employee and the bonus of not having to go through the time, energy and expense of replacing them. If you do need to let someone go, it should always be done with respect, dignity and clarification as to why it is happening.
Bad behavior from the start:
An office bully is no laughing matter. If an employee misrepresents themselves in an interview, and then shows bad behavior, it affects the entire office. Someone who is mean to others, unsupportive, unruly, inappropriately outspoken or sees their work in a very negative way is not someone you should keep around. Not only does it affect morale, but productivity suffers and other staff may question what you truly look for in an employee.
The late factor:
It’s one thing to have someone late to work once a month or a scattering of times throughout the year. Life happens, and employees need to know they are supported. However, if an employee is late weekly, late to staff meetings and/or leaving work early daily, it’s time to have a private discussion with them. It’s fair to tell them the behavior is being noticed, and ask if everything is ok. It could be something significant has happened and they need some support. However, if you get the sense they are taking advantage of workplace policy or kindness, it’s time to let them go.
There is no passion or care for the work:
If an employee doesn’t care about the work, the customer, the company or co-workers, why should you care about or invest in them? If you can’t turn around their attitude, and they aren’t willing to try, it’s time to say sayonara.
PrideStaff Financial is a 5-Star Diamond Award Recruiting Firm. Our staffing consultants can help you find employees who match your company culture. Contact us today to find out more.